I know, I know, I haven't written a Dawg Blawg update in a while. However, it is safe to assume that no news is good news. I'm still undergoing treatments and not quite geared up to get my normal life back yet, but soon. Very soon!!
After a few friends found out about my fall the other evening and requested photos via social media I thought I'd write an explanation here:
Monday night after dropping Fozz, my ride-or-die since '93 at the Santa Barbara airport I took a massive spill walking up the steps to my new front door. It's quite stupid that we don't have a light out there, but what's even more ridiculous is how much I had to drink. With chemotherapy already messing with my daily balance and not allowing me to metabolize alcohol I realize how stupid it is for me to drink at all. I used to be able to enjoy adult beverages and have a good time. However, as of late it seems that a catastrophic event happens every time I consume.
Anyway, after dropping Fozz at the port I went out with a few newly made friends to have dinner and a few drinks. I walked home from our neighborhood bar and while on the phone (with my mom of all people) I tripped on literally the LAST step walking up to my front door. In my defense it's pitch black out there and I under-guessed how many brick steps led up to my new stoop... I'm totally mortified that this happen, but I'll be okay....and we'll get a light ASAP! My roommate and her boyfriend were inside our house at the time of my accident and heard the crash. After coming out to find me on the ground covered in blood with, as they describe, my head scalped and peeling away from my face they quickly rushed me to the emergency room. I insisted on having a plastic surgeon as this is my face so after waiting through the night I was able to get sewed up around 8:00am.
Luckily I've gotten fairly used to not being as pretty as I once was. Overall losing my hair, body image, body type, etc are the things that have toughened my skin enough to allow me to now walk about with two black eyes for the next few weeks.
It's embarrassing that it took me busting my head open to realize my new tolerance level, or should I say, lack there of, but i'm trying to stay positive and believe that everything happens for a reason and in a lot of ways I'm lucky. For instance, I'm currently in a position in life where I am able to stay home all day and bubble wrap myself. :)
I decided to post a few pics here, but if I get any negative feedback I'll take them down ASAP. My intentions aren't to have anyone loose their stomach over this, just simply see my "process" and how "tough" I am.